BBC producer Cristina Parry invited me in to talk about my new book, Willy and Wally the Windscreen Wipers on the Adam English show on Sunday 3rd July. After talking about where the idea came from for the book (boring car journeys down the M4 from Reading to London and crazily naming the various parts of the car), we then discussed my favourite children’s book (Wind in the Willows) with its strange chapter heading Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (which Pink Floyd used for the title of one of their albums). Then Adam asked where  you can buy the book. He then very kindly allowed me to “plug” my book just like thousands of authors before me.

“Good luck, it looks fabulous, the illustrations are incredible!” – Adam English BBC Radio Oxford

Bless the BBC, bless Cristina, bless the production staff and bless Adam. It was all over in 10 minutes but it was great fun. Lovely to be back in Summertown at the BBC in person instead of the pandemic driven phone calls. One extra bonus of being at the BBC in person is the photo call. That’s Adam and I in the photo. I’m the one standing in a hole!!

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